Saturday, March 8, 2014

International Women's Day: More Than A Muse

Living under a fallacy
Made up and force fed by society
The pretense a knight in shining armor
Will love and provide unconditionally

Be dainty, be proper
Don't swear, cross your legs
The list is long and goes on

Save face, give it and don't say nothing
Do as I say, not as I do
Sit pretty and breath ever so
Slightly, tread lightly
Be polite
What's mine is mine
Don't mistake it for yours

Your man turned out to be mean?
A liar, womanizer, a drunk and a cheat? So it be
Chin up, smile, look the other way
Sugar, spice and everything nice
Be patient, "love" will prevail

You're a Mexican woman
It's your job to endure
Whatever he gives you
Be it good, bad or ugly
It's what men do,
In our patriarchal society

He gets home late, if at all
Out drinking with his friends
It's ok mija,
He was thinking of you
Taking shots in your name,
Playing rancheras again,
Singing verses he wrote just for you

Don't worry mija, He loves you!
It's true, asi son todos
It's how machos do
Just like his papá,
His grandpa and his tios too

It's part of our culture
It's who we are
Women who stand by their man
Til death do us part

Leave him?
No! That's not even a choice
How dare you!
A woman have a voice?

The time is now
To thine own selves be true
To speak our minds
Be second to none
To break down the walls
Tear down the facade

Stop expecting our daughter's
To live in such misery
By no longer upholding
The mystery of iniquity

We must stand up tall
Show them how to be strong
Demand equality
As a basic necessity

We must no longer
Accept the status quo
Letting go of the guilt
For our own accomplishments
Stop apologizing and enabling
Men's inferiority complex

Rise above, break the silence
End the circle of distrust,
Abuse and violence
Expect more from our boys
Teach our girls what it's like
To be on their own
To build themselves up,
Know their worth in gold
And never, ever settle
For being
Merely a muse

1 comment:

  1. You write beautifully, still. You should allow the artistic part of yourself explode. Dr. H
