Sunday, January 3, 2016


Didn't need a knight in shining armor,
 not a damsel in distress.
Wasn't on the market to be financed,
 I pick up my own checks.
Didn't require tough love,
 nurtured in a balanced loving home -
 reminded daily of my worth in gold.
With all bases covered,
 didn't need a savior, but an equal.

Mistaken fragments, pieces,
 thought they were my own.
Assumed my wings were broken,
 as you're accustomed to.
I was what you didn't know you needed
 a mirror, catalyst -
For unraveling your truth.

The light, smile in your eyes,
 the love, devotion, butterflies -
 all real, never lies.
It was true love at first sight -
 one that stood the test of time.
Just not meant to forever last -
 it's ok miss, remember, embrace it.
May it's light heal your heart and soul
 as it did mine. 

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